already been at the computer for like, an hour and a half sending
pictures and writing essays.. But here I am resolve firm as ever, and
admittedly fading.. But I shall write you a letter nonetheless!
This past week has just been amazing. I sent a picture of the
two baptisms we had last Saturday. This is the family that we found
(miracle!) about a month ago and we've been teaching them consistently
since then. The parents are working towards being baptized but it's
going to be more long-term, and they were in full support of the two
boys being baptized. Elder Sillito and I were privileged to be able to
baptize them. There was a
super good turnout from the ward at the baptism and we even had one of
our supposed 'less promising' investigators come and see it. As a
result of the baptism, she had such a good experience that she came to
church for the first time in like 6 months, and accepted a baptismal
date for August 10th! We have another baptism coming up this Saturday
for a kid we've been teaching since I got to the area. Have I ever told
you guys that I love this stake? The biggest miracle of them all is
that, and I'm sure Dad can attest to this, we've been having a really
hard time getting people to come to church. Usually we'll invite 8 or 9
people to church and 2 or 3 will show up. But this past Sunday, 8 of
the 9 non-members that we invited to church totally came! Literally
everything is falling into place perfectly, and I know that God is
behind it. I am
seriously SO grateful that I was called to this mission. I'm sure many
people laughed, as I did, when I got called here.. But the work in the
Utah Ogden mission is incredible. Elder Russell M. Nelson said that
Utah is the center of the church, and as such should lead the church in baptisms, activation, and retention. We're giving it our best shot!Dad - I did get your real letter and it was much appreciated. The more I think about it the more I realize you're probably in much better shape than me. All those hiking trips would probably get the best of me. I'm sure you will have plenty of pictures to share with me. I just burned a bunch of pictures onto CDs and will be sending them home within the next couple of days. I used the doctrine in the talk you sent me about grace in a lesson on Sunday, and the guy was pretty much bashing with us about grace.. I hate people like that. He's literally not open to the Spirit and not open to learning. But at the very least, my understanding of grace makes a lot more sense.
I can't tell how long this e-mail is, as I'm on a
different computer than I am accustomed to and I'm unsure of the
length. If it's not up to par, I'll try harder next week. My brain is
just fried from all of the essay writing and responding I've had to do.
I'll send pictures of this Saturday's baptism next week, and hopefully
one or two more in the weeks to come. I love you guys. Thanks for all
your love. :)
- Elder Tyler Grant
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